Vocabulary Stars for Students

Vocabulary Stars makes vocabulary easy and fun for students. Students can practice, take online vocabulary tests and play vocabulary games with their own lists. Students can practice vocabulary from home, school, the library, or anywhere with an Internet connection. The Vocabulary Stars practice section is unique and helpful in that students see the word, hear it, and then type it to check their vocabulary. Students can practice as many times as they like!
In addition to practicing vocabulary, teachers can create vocabulary lists for students.
Vocabulary test scores are shown instantly after a test is completed. Scores are recorded in our easy-to-view reports that are always available. Reports are also available for students so they can log in and show their parents at home.
We also have vocabulary games for students to play online. Depending on the plan the teacher selects, students will have access to 3 or 9 Vocabulary Games. Students use the games to learn vocabulary while having fun. We've got some classics like Fill in the Blank, Mouse Maze, and Word Search as well as some fun, unique games like Fruit Punch or Vocabulary Beaver. These games will help students become familiar with their vocabulary words in an easy and motivating way.
Vocabulary Stars is the best vocabulary website for students because students can learn while they play.