School Supplies Vocabulary Words

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Vocabulary Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in vocabulary tests, vocabulary games, vocabulary practice and more!

Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
desk A piece of furniture with a flat surface typically used for work or study. I was assigned a new desk near the window. table, bureau, workstation Noun
chair Furniture designed for one person to sit on, typically with a back and four legs. Please pull up a chair and join us? seat, stool, bench Noun
blackboard A surface, typically dark in color, that is used for writing or drawing with chalk. The teacher wrote the assignment on the blackboard. chalkboard, slate, easel Noun
chalk A soft, white sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate. The teacher used chalk on the board. Noun
eraser An object used to remove pencil marks from paper or a hard surface. I used a pink eraser to correct my mistakes. Noun
notebook A collection of paper bound together that people write on. I left my notebook at school. Noun
pen A writing instrument with a thin, pointed tip typically filled with ink. Please sign the document with this pen. Noun
ruler A measuring instrument used to draw straight lines and measure lengths. She used a ruler to draw lines on the paper. Noun
glue A sticky substance used to join things together. She used the glue to attach the feathers to the paper. adhesive, paste, bond Noun
pencil A tool used for writing or drawing, typically made of a thin rod of graphite encased in wood. I always write my notes in pencil so I can easily erase any mistakes. Noun

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