3rd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 10

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Vocabulary Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in vocabulary tests, vocabulary games, vocabulary practice and more!

Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
wafted An odor that is drifts in the air. The smell of fresh warm pancakes wafted from the kitchen. float Verb
recognize To notice or identify I'm sure I will recognize him if I see him. remember forget Verb
dashing lively and spirited The dashing man was stylish and worldly. dapper dull Adjective
significantly More than or considerably. The racecar is significantly faster than the bicycle. immensely barely Adverb
separate To pull apart or divide. The baker will separate the egg from the yolk. detached connected Adjective
principal The director or leader. The school principal made announcements. administrator Noun
plot The main events of a story. The plot of the movie was confusing. scenario Noun
assist To help. The nurse will assist the surgeon. aid block Verb
grove A small area of trees. The orange grove smelled sweet and fresh. orchard Noun
abandoned Left behind. The abandoned puppy was rescued and adopted. alone kept Adjective

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