3rd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 4

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
elite A class or group of people that are considered superior or special. There are thirty soldiers in the elite unit protecting the king. special, best, exceptional ordinary, common, inferior Noun
settlement Establishing a colony, a new place to inhabit. The pilgrims founded a settlement near the river. encampment, home, residence Noun
festive Fun, bringing about good spirits. The festive party improved everyone's mood. merry, jovial, joyful sad, depressed, unhappy Adjective
skinny Very thin or of low weight. The skinny dog gained weight after being rescued. scrawny, bony, lean fat, plump, chubby Adjective
totally Completely or entirely. His behavior is totally obnoxious. completely, fully, utterly partially, partly, incompletely Adverb
percent Used in math to calculate parts of a whole. Sales are down by twenty percent this month. ratio, rate, portion whole, increase Adjective
grammar The syntax of a language. I will study grammar and writing this year. fundamentals, syntax, linguistics Noun
climate Characteristic weather, atmospheric conditions. The climate in Florida is perfect for growing citrus fruits. atmosphere, conditions Noun
theme A topic of discussion. Fire prevention is the theme for this month. subject, topic, motif Noun
mend To fix or repair something that is broken. Brook will mend the sock because it has a hole. fix, repair, renew destroy, break, damage Verb

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