3rd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 9

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
identical Exactly the same. The identical twins played different sports. same, exact, matching distinct, different, opposite Adjective
timid Fearful or bashful. The timid hamster hid in the corner of his cage. fearful, bashful, nervous bold, brave, courageous Adjective
salty Tasting salty. Everyone enjoyed the salty pretzels. briny, saline bland, dull Adjective
recycle To reuse or reprocess I recycle plastics, metals, and glass. salvage, reclaim, reprocess waste, dispose Verb
primarily Mainly or mostly. Bread is primarily made of flour. basically, mainly, principally partly, partially, slightly Adverb
clamped To hold things together The carpenter clamped two pieces of wood together. held, vice, secured unfasten, loosen, open Verb
prickly Having spiny thorns or a sharp nature. The prickly cactus grew flowers when it rained. spiny, bristly, spiny soft, smooth, dull Adjective
peer To look or stare carefully Benjamin had to peer through the darkness to see the mountains on the horizon. stare, glare, gawk glance, ignore, neglect Verb
merchant A person who sells or trades. The merchant sold tourists silly hats and t-shirts. seller, vendor, shopkeeper Noun
eventually At a time in the future, someday. The prince will eventually become the king. sometime, ultimately, one day never, at no time Adverb

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