9th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 14

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
mentor Someone who provides guidance. I am grateful to have a mentor who has guided me throughout my career journey. advisor, consultant, coach mentee, protege Noun
compose Create or form something by putting various elements or parts together. I will compose a beautiful symphony for the upcoming concert. construct, develop, design separate, disassemble, divide Verb
brandished To wave something about in a threatening way. He brandished his sword menacingly, sending a wave of fear through his opponent. display, exhibit, flaunt hide, sheathe, conceal Verb
skeptic Someone who habitually questions or doubts commonly accepted beliefs. She was a skeptic of his claims until she saw the evidence for herself. doubter, cynic, disbeliever enthusiast, supporter, advocate Noun
writhe The act of twisting one's body in a restless or agitated manner. The snake began to writhe as it tried to escape from its captor's grip. squirm, wriggle, contort relax, straighten, rest Verb
totem A symbol representing a group, clan, family, or individual. The totem pole is a traditional carving that represents the history and culture of indigenous peoples. emblem, token, representation Noun
foment To incite or stir up negative emotions. The inflammatory speech aimed to foment division among the citizens. instigate, provoke, ignite pacify, quell, suppress Verb
isolate To separate something or someone from others, especially to prevent communication or interaction. She decided to isolate herself from her friends and family for a few days to focus on her studies. detach, disconnect, segregate connect, unite, join Verb
partisan A person who strongly supports a particular party, cause, or group, often displaying bias or loyalty towards it. The partisan organization heavily criticized the opposing political party throughout the election. partial, biased, factional nonpartisan, neutral, unbiased Noun
jingoistic A nationalistic or patriotic sentiment characterized by an aggressive attitude towards other countries. He engaged in jingoistic rhetoric, fueling nationalistic fervor and animosity towards other countries. ultranationalistic, nationalist internationalist, moderate Adjective
abstract Something conceptual or not based on specific examples or concrete realities. The concept of justice is abstract and can vary based on cultural and social standards. conceptual, theoretical, intangible concrete, tangible, specific Noun
beatific A state or expression of indescribable bliss or extreme happiness and serenity. The beatific smile on her face was a reflection of her inner peace and happiness. serene, blissful, ecstatic troubled, miserable, anguished Adjective
grotesque Something that is distorted, bizarre, and often unsettling in its appearance or behavior. The grotesque painting was hidden away in the attic. hideous, repulsive, horrid beautiful, attractive, lovely Adjective
nonpareil Having no equal or match in excellence. Her artistic skills are nonpareil; no one can match her ability to create such intricate carvings. peerless, unequaled, exceptional inferior, mediocre, ordinary Noun
zealot An excessively passionate or fanatical person who is uncompromising in their beliefs. The zealot preached relentlessly about his beliefs to anyone who would listen. fanatic, enthusiast, extremist skeptic, disbeliever, apathetic Noun

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