9th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 18

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
constrain To restrict the actions or choices of someone or something. The wedding planner had to work within the constrain of a limited budget. restrict, limit, confine allow, loosen, enable
keel The main structural element of a boat or ship that runs along the bottom from bow to stern. The keel of the ship helped provide stability in rough waters. beam, backbone, spine topside, surface Noun
ordain To formally confer an official role or title, usually as part of a religious ceremony. The bishop will ordain the new priests during the church service. appoint, authorize, commission Verb
wont Accustomed or habitually inclined to do something. He was wont to exercise every morning and evening. accustomed, given, inclined unaccustomed, unused, unapt Adjective
nuanced Something that displays finely tuned distinctions or differences. Her feelings towards the situation were nuanced, as she understood both sides of the argument. subtle, delicate simplified, basic, straightforward Adjective
imperative An essential command that must be followed or completed. It is imperative to save water due to the drought. crucial, critical, essential optional, voluntary, discretionary
niche A specialized area. She found her niche in the competitive world of artisanal chocolate making. speciality, domain, category broad, mainstream, popular Noun
grimace A facial expression of pain characterized by a tightening or twisting of the facial muscles. She couldn't help but grimace as she bit into the sour lemon. frown, scowl, wince smile, grin, beam Noun
manifold A wide variety of options. He faced a manifold of challenges in his attempt to start his own business. multiple, numerous, several single, individual, unique Adjective
histrionic An exaggerated or over-the-top display of emotions or behavior, often for the purpose of garnering attention or sympathy. The child put on a histrionic performance, crying and screaming to get attention. dramatic, melodramatic, theatrical calm, subdued, composed Adjective
juxtaposition The act of placing two or more things close together or side by side in order to highlight their differences or similarities. The painting featured a striking juxtaposition of light and dark colors. comparison, contrast Noun
resolute Showing firmness and unwavering commitment to a course of action. She was resolute in her decision to pursue her dream of becoming a pilot. determined, steadfast, unwavering uncertain, wavering, indecisive Adjective
diffuse To spread out or scatter in various directions. The light from the lamp was diffuse, creating a soft and gentle glow in the room. disperse, scatter, disseminate concentrated, focused, pinpoint Adjective
hiatus A break away from work, school, or other regular activity. The professor was on hiatus and could not be reached. pause, intermission, respite perpetuation, continue Noun
bellicose To be aggressively hostile. The bellicose tone of the speech incited fear among the audience. pugnacious, combative, hostile peaceful, calm, harmonious Adjective

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