2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 13

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
whole Complete, not divided or broken into parts. I ate the whole cake by myself. entire part Adjective
freeze To become solid or hard due to a drop in temperature. The water in the pipes froze during the winter storm, causing them to burst. chill, frost, ice over, congeal, solidify melt, thaw, warm, bask, heat up Verb
neighbor A person who lives near you. My neighbor has a lot of cats. Noun
pattern A design or arrangement that repeats in a predictable way. She wore a dress with a floral pattern. design random Noun
chat A casual conversation or messages between two or more people. She likes to chat with her friends. converse Noun
root The part of a plant that typically lies concealed beneath the soil. The root of the tree was deep and firmly embedded in the earth. base branch Noun
tour A guided visit to various places of interest. I am excited for our upcoming tour of Europe next summer. trip Noun
paddle A flat, wide item used for pushing a boat through the water. He used a paddle to navigate the canoe down the river. oar Noun
gap A space or opening between two objects or points. Be careful of the gap between the subway and platform. space Noun
rise To increase in height, level, or amount. The sun began to rise, casting a warm glow across the land. increase decrease Verb

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