2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 8

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
soil The natural medium in which plants grow. The farmer's crops thrived due to the rich and fertile soil. dirt Noun
worry To feel troubled about something. I worry about being on time. concern calm Verb
shove To push forcefully in a specified direction. He tried to shove his way through the crowded room. push pull Verb
odor A scent that is smelled by the nose. A bad odor was coming from the sink drain. smell Noun
centimeter A unit of length in the metric system. The pencil measures 15 centimeters in length. Noun
abode A place where someone lives. He has a cozy abode in the countryside. home Noun
stem A plant's primary support. The stem of the flower was sturdy. Noun
blend Combine substances to create a mixture. She created a delicious blend of spices to season the dish. unify separate Noun
snout A protruding nose or mouth on the face of an animal. The pig used its snout to root around in the mud for food. nose Noun
scream A loud cry of pain or fear. I let out a scream when I saw a spider crawling on me. yell whisper Noun

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