2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 18

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
select To choose. I would like to select the blue dress for the party. pick deselect Verb
twirl To spin rapidly around a central axis. The ballet dancer twirled gracefully across the stage. spin Verb
beam A long and sturdy piece of timber or metal used as a support structure. Houses have at least one main load bearing beam. joist Noun
chuckle A loud type of laugh. I heard the old man chuckle after telling a fishing story. laugh cry Adverb
feast A large, elaborate meal or celebration. We prepared a feast for Thanksgiving. meal Noun
armchair A type of chair usually found in a living room. The professor sat in the armchair sipping tea. seat Noun
fling To throw something with force and speed. I saw the baby fling spaghetti all over the room. throw hold Verb
grab To take hold of forcibly. Grab my keys before we leave the house. seize release Verb
goal A desired outcome or achievement that a person is working towards. The writer had a goal to finish a book by June. target Noun
clan A group of people united by common ancestry, tradition, or culture. The clan had been ruling over the small village for generations. tribe Noun

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