2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 22

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
snort To make a harsh noise by forcing air through the nose. He let out a loud snort when he saw the mess in the kitchen. huff Noun
happily A state of being joyful and content. I happily accepted the award. cheerfully unhappily Adverb
sluggish In a state of fatigue. He felt sluggish after a big meal. tired active Adjective
bumpy Uneven texture or surface The road was so bumpy that it made driving difficult. rough smooth Adjective
boring Lacking interest. The long ceremony was boring. dull exciting Adjective
throne A seat of authority or power. The queen sat on a large golden throne. chair Noun
craft Make something by hand. The teacher bought craft supplies for the class. art Noun
never At no time in the past, present, or future. I never want to go back to that awful restaurant again. not ever always Adverb
terrific Extremely impressive. She did a terrific job on her presentation. fantastic awful Adjective
glowing To emit a steady light, often soft or warm. The lantern cast a warm, glowing light in the darkness. radiant dim Adjective

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