2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 30

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
high Elevated in position or height. The mountain peak offered a high vantage point for observing the surrounding valley. tall short Adjective
best Highest in quality or superiority. She is always trying her best to excel in everything she does. greatest worst Adjective
really Truly or genuinely. I really appreciate all your help with this project. honestly falsely Adverb
away Refers to a location that is distant or not nearby. She wanted to get away from the city and relax in the peaceful countryside. elsewhere near Adverb
already Previously; before now. I already finished my homework before dinner. before unfinished Adverb
decent Appropriate or fitting. She did a decent job, but there is still room for improvement. okay unacceptable Adjective
fresh Recently harvested or picked; not preserved or frozen. The salad was delicious, with fresh tomatoes and lettuce. crisp old Adjective
tiny Extremely small in size or stature. She found a tiny snail crawling along the edge of the sidewalk. small gigantic Adjective
tardy Late or delayed in arriving or doing something. He was tardy to class because his alarm clock didn't go off. late early Adjective
poorest Most lacking in wealth or resources. The poorest families in the village struggle to afford food and clothing. needy richest Adjective

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