2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 23

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
roasting The act of cooking something under high heat. I had a great time roasting marshmallows. cooking Verb
greedy Having an excessive desire for more. The greedy man tried to overcharge customers. selfish generous Adjective
disgusting Causing strong feelings of disgust. The smell coming from the garbage can was disgusting. foul delightful Adjective
fuzzy Soft texture. The pink fuzzy blanket was warm. soft sharp Adjective
mysterious Difficult to understand. The mysterious butler seemed suspicious. shadowy clear Adjective
cozy Warm and inviting. The child had a favorite cozy blanket. snugly uncomfortable Adjective
famous Something or someone well-known. The famous actress ate at our restaurant. recognized unknown Adjective
roughly About, not exact. The building was roughly 30 feet tall. nearly precisely Adverb
everywhere All places. The bright fall leaves can be seen everywhere in the forest. anywhere nowhere Adverb
grumpy Cranky. Grandpa was grumpy every morning. grouchy cheerful Adjective

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