2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 21

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
loudly In a manner that produces a high volume. She shouted loudly for help when she got stuck in the elevator. noisily quietly Adverb
build To assemble or construct something. They plan to build a new house on the empty lot next to the park. construct destroy Verb
excited Feeling enthusiastic or eager. I am so excited for our vacation next week! thrilled calm Adjective
sleepy feeling drowsy. I feel so sleepy after staying up all night studying. drowsy awake Adjective
shy Being hesitant to engage in social interactions. She was too shy to speak up in front of the class. timid outgoing Adjective
tired Feeling extremely fatigued. I am so tired after working all day. exhausted energetic Adjective
wild Living or growing in a natural state. The wild animal pounced on its prey. untamed tame Adjective
tightly Firmly held or fastened in place. The lid was tightly sealed on the jar. snugly loosely Adverb
calm A state of peacefulness. Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and composed. tranquil agitated Adjective
chilly A moderate but still uncomfortable coldness in the air. The chilly wind cut through my sweater as I walked home. cold hot Adjective

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