2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 24

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
watch A device used to tell time. The watch had diamonds and gold on it. clock Noun
eager Anxious or impatient to do or obtain something. She was eager to start her new job and make a good impression. excited reluctant Adjective
dusty Covered with a fine layer of particles or dirt. The attic was filled with boxes covered in a layer of dusty cobwebs. dirty clean Adjective
boiling The process in which a liquid reaches a point where it rapidly converts into vapor or gas. The water is boiling on the stove, ready for pasta to be cooked. steaming freezing, Verb
cute Attractive in a delicate way, pleasant in appearance. Look at that cute puppy playing in the park! adorable ugly Adjective
flavor Taste perception characterized by distinct and unique sensations. This soup has a deliciously rich and savory flavor. taste Noun
ordinary Common, nothing to report. I had an ordinary day at school as nothing new happened. routine extraordinary Adjective
polite Demonstrating thoughtful consideration and respect towards others. The policewoman was polite but firm. civil impolite Adjective
sample A small piece taken as a representation of the whole. I would like to request a sample of the new product before making a purchase. portion Noun
frying To cook food in hot oil or fat until it becomes crispy and brown. My aunt is frying some delicious chicken for dinner tonight. cooking Verb

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