2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 29

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
beautiful Visually pleasing. The flowers in the garden were so beautiful that they took my breath away. lovely ugly Adjective
awful Something extremely unpleasant or terrible. I couldn't eat the food at the restaurant because it smelled awful. terrible wonderful Adjective
modern Contemporary; belonging to the present time period and reflecting current attitudes, styles, and beliefs. Modern technology has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. current old Adjective
overdue Not completed or returned by the expected or agreed upon time. I received a notice that my library books are now overdue and I need to return them as soon as possible. late early Adjective
soon In the near future. I will finish my homework soon. shortly later Adverb
together In close proximity or in a unified manner. We will be working together on this science project. jointly separate Adverb
rapid Quickly or at a fast pace. The car sped down the highway at a rapid pace, leaving a trail of dust behind. speedy slow Adjective
delighted Extremely pleased or overjoyed. I was delighted to receive such a thoughtful gift from my friend. happy unhappy Adjective
finest Supreme quality or superior excellence. The sculptor's finest statue looked as if it was real. best inferior Adjective
tough Strong or resilient, able to endure difficult conditions or challenges She had a tough decision to make about whether to accept the job offer or not. hard soft Adjective

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