2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 9

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The below list is for demonstration and preview purposes for those considering trying Vocabulary Stars. Get a free trial and use this list in vocabulary tests, vocabulary games, vocabulary practice and more!

Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
half An equal portion. I will eat half of the pizza. fraction whole Adjective
spring The season that follows winter. I love to see the flowers bloom in spring. Noun
treat To be generous. I will treat my friends to a nice dinner. reward mistreat Verb
bid To offer a certain amount of money to purchase something. She decided to place a bid in the silent auction. offer Verb
pod A pod is a small, self-contained unit typically part of a larger system. The peas were harvested from the pod. cluster Noun
charge Money isn't taken now, but you will pay it back later. She plans to charge this trip on her credit card. Noun
shift To move from one place to another. I need to shift my work schedule so I can go to college. change stay Verb
blueprint A detailed framework or guide. The architect drew up a detailed blueprint of the new office building. plan Noun
jot To write something quickly. My assistant will jot down your phone number. note Verb
parcel A package. I received a parcel in the mail. box Noun

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