2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 7

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
hurry To move or act with great speed or urgency. I need to hurry and finish this project. rush linger Verb
divide To separate into smaller parts. The river seemed to divide the forest in half. split join Verb
grin A smile that shows one's teeth. His unusual grin caught me off guard. smile frown Noun
respect The act of treating someone with consideration. I always treat others with respect. admire disregard Noun
setting Refers to the time and place of a story. The story takes place in a small fishing village setting. scene Noun
willing Ready to do something. I am willing to stay late and help you with the bake sale. eager unwilling Adjective
monument A structure, building, or object that is built to honor a person, event, or idea. The monument is a famous landmark. memorial Noun
fairness The quality of treating people equally. The teacher graded the exams with fairness. impartial bias Noun
bland Something that lacks flavor. The soup was bland and lacked any seasoning. tasteless spicy Adjective
honor To show appreciation. It was an honor to meet the author of my favorite book. glorify dishonor Noun

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