2nd Grade Vocabulary Words - List 26

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
devour To consume or eat something quickly. The dragon started to devour its meal ferociously. eat Verb
harsh Severe or unkind in manner or appearance. The teacher's criticism was harsh and uncalled for. stern gentle Adjective
starving To suffer or die from lack of food or nourishment. The monkeys were starving but thankfully found food. hungry full Adjective
invest To put money into something with the expectation of achieving a profit. Adam decided to invest in a new pet food business. fund withdraw Verb
accept To get or take something. I am happy to accept the award for best author. receive reject Verb
sail To navigate in a boat. He would love to sail around the world. voyage anchor Verb
trade The exchange of goods or services between two parties. I will trade you this cupcake for a pack of gum. barter Noun
purchase Buy goods or services in exchange for money. The art teacher will purchase new markers for the class. buy sell Verb
wander To move aimlessly or without a fixed direction. The elf decided to wander through the forest. roam remain Verb
soar To rapidly rise or increase to a great height or level. The eagle will soar high above the mountains, its wings spread wide. fly fall Verb

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