4th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 9

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
stroll To walk or wander along. Let's stroll along the river. amble, saunter, mosey run, rush, jog Verb
philosophy The study of principles and truths. The university student studied philosophy and psychology. knowledge, logic, reasoning Noun
posterity Future generations. The photos and articles were saved for posterity. descendants, heirs, lineage parent, ancestors Noun
publication The product of putting together information like a book, article, or journal. The publication focuses on ways to learn using technology. content, findings, information Noun
aristocrat A member of the nobility. The aristocrat purchased paintings at the auction. noble, blue blood, gentleperson proletariat, commoner, plebian Noun
apprehensive Afraid of being harmed or uneasy. The investigator was apprehensive about sharing all of the details. alarmed, afraid, uncertain composed, calm, collected Adjective
especially Mainly or mostly. NASA is especially interested in hiring mathematicians. principally, largely, chiefly, ordinarily, generally, usually Adverb
exclaimed To speak suddenly in anger or out of surprise. "I would never lie to you," she exclaimed. declare, shout, proclaim conceal, hide, disguise Verb
immense A large or enormous amount. The judge felt an immense amount of responsibility to be fair. gigantic, immeasurable, massive finite, insignificant, limited Adjective
gingerly In a delicate, cautious manner. The mother gingerly placed a bandage on the child's arm. cautious, dainty, delicate rough, careless, harsh Adverb

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