8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 10

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
enamored To be filled with strong feelings of love or admiration. He was enamored with her beauty and charm. infatuated, captivated, attracted averse, indifferent, uninterested Verb
insidious Causing harm in a way that is gradual and hard to notice. The disease was insidious and progressed slowly. treacherous, deceptive, subtle Adjective
resilient Capable of withstanding or recovering quickly from adversity. The resilient plant was able to survive the harsh conditions. tough, hardy, strong weak, fragile, delicate Adjective
underlying Of or relating to the simplest facts or points of a subject or thing. The judge tried to keep track of the underlying points during the long and complicated trial. basic, fundamental, essential complex, advanced, intricate Adjective
depravity The quality of being morally wicked, corrupt, or evil. The historian considered biological weapons a depravity of modern warfare. dissolutness, perversion, turpitude virtue, morality, goodness Noun
strata A layer or layers of rock or sediment characterized by similar properties. The geologist examined the different strata in the rock formation. grade, level, bed Noun
unwavering Steady or solidly unvarying. His unwavering commitment to the cause never changed. unchanging, undeviating, invariant unsteady, deviating, ununiform Adjective
unsettling Causing uneasiness and being disturbing or upsetting in nature. The horror movie had an unsettling effect on the audience. troubling, distressing, frightening calming, comforting, soothing Adjective
churlish Marked by rudeness or lack of graciousness. His churlish behavior made him unpopular with his colleagues. boorish, uncouth, cloddish polite, classy, couth Adjective
forgo To give up or decline to take. He had to forgo his vacation plans due to the pandemic. refuse, abstain, reject take, keep, claim Verb
trivial Of little importance or value. The kind man didn't get angry with trivial mistakes. minor, small, insignificant major, substantial, consequential Adjective
gregarious Tending to be fond of the presence of others. She was a gregarious person and loved hosting guests at her home. sociable, outgoing, friendly antisocial, reclusive, insociable Adjective
topical Referring to current topics of the day or place. The lecture was topical, covering current events in the field or medicine. nominal, contemporary, modern old, past, irrelevant Adjective
intrepid Characterized by fearlessness and adventurousness. He was an intrepid explorer and wasn't afraid of danger. courageous, brave, gallant fearful, cowardly, craven Adjective
underprivileged Deprived by social or economic condition to not enjoy a similar standard of living as the majority of people. The charity raised millions of dollars for underprivileged people in the community. disadvantaged, impovershed, destitute affluent, wealthy, fortunate Adjective

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