8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 9

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
yodeled A style of singing with frequent rapid changes in pitch. He yodeled through the valley, and it echoed through the mountains. sing, trill Verb
respective Each person or thing having its own. They each took their respective places on the stage. corresponding, each, relevant different, mismatched Adjective
sanctuary A protected place. The park was reopened as a wildlife sanctuary. refuge, reserve, shelter Noun
homogenize To blend. To homogenize milk, high pressure is used to break down milkfat so the cream won't rise to the surface. make uniform, combine, synthesize separate, divide, scatter Adjective
subordinate Someone who is under another's control. The subordinate followed the manager's orders. assistant, underling, servant boss, manager, superior Noun
efficacy To be able to produce results that were desired. The efficacy of the new medicine was proven in clinical trials. effectiveness, potency, capacity ineffectiveness, failure, incapacity Noun
xeric A very dry habitat or environment. The xeric conditions would not allow most plants to grow. Adjective
turpitude Being corrupt or vile. The politician was removed from office due to allegations of turpitude. immorality, baseness, debauchery goodness, morality, honor Noun
waspish Very bad-tempered or crabby. She was waspish when she woke up with a headache. irritable, grumpy, cantankerous agreeable, easy-going, affable Adjective
variance Being different or distinct. The budget has a large variance from the forecast. difference, contrast, contradiction agreement, similarity, unison Noun
conflagration A large destructive fire. The fire spread quickly and turned into a conflagration. blaze, wildfire, inferno Noun
demagogue A person who uses fear and propaganda to win the election. The demagogue slowly gained a following of dangerous believers. agitator, inciter, instigator Noun
alacrity A prompt response. She accepted the invitation with alacrity. eagerness, enthusiasm, alertness slowness, reluctance, lethargy Noun
misconstrue To misunderstand. Please don't misconstrue my words; I meant to get you constructive feedback. misinterpret, misjudge, misread understand, comprehend, perceive Verb
begrudged To be jealous. He begrudged his brother's success. covet, resent, envy content, satisfied, unresentful Verb

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