8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 22

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
perilously Very risky or reckless. He walked perilously close to the edge of the cliff. dangerous, harmful, injurious carefully, safely, securely Adverb
jocose Joking or playful. His jocose remark made the room burst out in laughter. humorous, funny, witty boring, serious, unfunny Adjective
benign Mild or non threatening. The benign weather conditions made the hike enjoyable. benevolent, favorable, gentle bad, severe, malicious Adjective
nondiscriminatory To not discriminate or be impartial. This company is committed to having nondiscriminatory hiring practices. equitable, evenhanded, fair biased, prejudiced, partial Adjective
cogent appealing forcibly to the mind or reason His argument was so cogent that it was impossible to refute. rational, logical, pragmatic unimportant, invalid, weak Adjective
joviality The characteristic of being cheerful or pleasant. The joviality of the host made everyone feel welcome. cordial, amiable, jolly disagreeable, gloomy, unpleasant Adjective
cicatrix A wound, dent or blister. The burn left a cicatrix on her arm. imperfection, scar, blotch perfection Noun
cache Hidden stash of valuable items. I found a cache of coins buried in the sand. hoard, repository, stockpile Noun
viscous Slow flowing, or sticky. The syrup was too viscous to pour easily. thick, gooey, syrupy watery, unsticky Adjective
debunked To demystify or unshroud something. The scientist debunked the myth about the fountain of youth. disprove, rebut, refute confirm, verify, show Verb
whorl A series of concentric circles. The fingerprints had a unique whorl pattern. twirl, curl, twist Noun
portend A sign or to herald something. The dark clouds portended a storm. foretell, predict, omen Verb
upkeep To provide maintenance to keep something in good repair. The upkeep of the old building was costly. repair, preservation, support destruction, neglect Noun
quandary A state of confusion or trouble. The was in a quandary about what to do next. predicament, difficulty, dilemma success, solution Noun
wane A slow decline. This interest in the project began to wane. atrophy, decrease, dwindle enhance, enlarge, expand Verb

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