8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 30
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Word | Definition | Practice Sentence | Synonyms | Antonyms | Part of Speech Description |
compassion | To have empathy toward the plight of others. | She showed great compassion by helping others often. | understanding, humanity, benevolence | cruelty, tyranny, animosity | Noun |
transparent | To be able to see through easily. | The transparent glass allowed a clear view of the box's contents. | clear, translucent, crystalline | opaque, dark, cloudy | Adjective |
halcyon | Peaceful, soothing and tranquil. | The halcyon days of summer were filled with joy and happiness. | pastoral, quiet, balmy | Adjective | |
composure | Poised and balanced, to be self-assured. | She maintained her composure even in the face of adversity. | calmness, equanimity, fortitude | agitation, uneasiness, excitability | Noun |
indifferently | Not interested much, not caring. | She responded indifferently to his offer of help. | casually, unemotionally, reservedly | concerned, partial, responsive | Adverb |
generate | To produce or to bring something about. | The wind turbine is able to generate electricity from the wind's kinetic energy. | cause, develop, spawn | stop, terminate, destroy | Verb |
boycott | To not support or purchase goods until demands are met. | We are planning a boycott until we get our way. | embargo, reject, spurn | sanction, permit | Verb |
concise | To explain a lot with a few words. | The surgeon gave a concise explanation of the procedure. | brief, summary, succinct | rambling, diffuse, garrulous | Adjective |
temperamental | Sharp changes in mood. | The toddler was temperamental, often going from happy to angry in seconds. | erratic, irritable, capricious | easygoing, predictable, reliable | Adjective |
massive | Really immense or hulking. | The building was so massive that it looked like it stretched on forever. | imposing, vast, enormous | tiny, minute, miniature | Adjective |
deluge | A flood of water. | A deluge flooded the streets. | torrent, gush, downpour | Noun | |
ignited | To start on fire. | The sparkler quickly ignited as soon as it was lit. | burn, inflame, kindle | extinguish, put out, dull | Verb |
makeshift | Something temporary, just good enough. | The lost hikers cobbled a makeshift shelter to keep warm during the cold night. | provisional, stopgap, alternative | permanent | Adjective |
innovation | Something new or upheaval. | A new innovation, self-driving cars, is already on the market. | transformation, change, variation | old, traditional | Noun |
anguish | A great deal of suffering or torment. | Watching their home burn to the ground left the family in anguish. | agony, heartbreak, misery | delight, joy, happiness | Noun |
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eighthgrade Vocabulary Lists