8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 18

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
uncontrollable To be unmanageable or unable to stop. Her laughter was uncontrollable as she heard the joke. undisciplined, intractable, disorderly contained, restrained, disciplined Adjective
wry To express something sarcastically. He made a wry comment that others took the wrong way. mocking, droll, ironic Adjective
conundrum A difficult problem or puzzle. The riddle was a conundrum that no one could solve. riddle, brain-teaser, enigma Noun
posited to dispose or set firmly The scientist posited a new theory to explain the data. argued, analyzed, debated Verb
neologism A new word or way of saying something. I heard a new neologism being used in the office today that I hadn't heard before. buzzword, coinage, invention Noun
oblique To be sloped or sideways. The oblique angle of the sun created a unique shadow on the wall. diagonal, angled, bent straight Adjective
epitome An example. He was the epitome of kindness and generosity. personification, exemplification, representation Noun
coop A pen that is usually used for poultry. The farmer kept the chickens in a coop. cage, enclosure, corral Noun
whisked To stir quickly. She whisked the eggs until they were fluffy. whip, flick Verb
surreptitiously To avoid the attention of others. She surreptitiously slipped the book into her bag. covertly, secretive, clandestine publicly, frankly, open Adverb
mercurial Sudden volatile behavior. His mercurial temper made it hard for his coworkers to predict how he would react. unpredictable, erratic, impulsive stable, constant, predictable Adjective
endemic Belonging to a particular area. Malaria is endemic in certain regions of the world. regional, local Adjective
zeitgeist A feeling or ambiance of a particular time in history. The zeitgeist of the 21st century is one of unprecedented technological advancement. climate, trend, spirit Noun
nihilistic To turn away from religion or and the belief that life has no meaning. He had a decidedly nihilistic outlook on life. cynical, pessimistic, negative Adjective
ken A complete understanding. His ken of the market was deep and wide, allowing him to make informed investments. acumen, awareness, comprehension misunderstanding, ignorance, misinterpretation Noun

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