8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 15

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
gainsay To suggest that something is false. No one could gainsay her expertise in the field. dispute, disprove, repudiate accept, admit, allow Verb
dilatory To procrastinate. His dilatory attitude caused delays in the project. lazy, idle, iner diligent, zealous, eager Adjective
embellished To Add details to make something seem more interesting. He embellished the story and made it sound more exciting. enhance, enrich, decorate reduce, simplify, decrease Verb
wholesome To be considered something that promotes health and wellness. Fresh fruits and vegetables were wholesome and nutritious. healthy, well-balanced, restorative bad, unhealthy, debilitating Adjective
irascible Easy to anger. He had an irascible temperament and was easily angered. cranky, irritable, temperamental uncomplaining, uncritical, patient Adjective
navigable Can be sailed on or easy to move around. The river was navigable for ships to pass through. passable, travelable, accessible Adjective
succumbed To give in. She succumbed to the temptation of the chocolate cake. submit, surrender, capitulate overcome, conquer, defend Verb
abysmal Really awful. The team's performance was abysmal, losing every game. dreadful, bad, dismal great, amazing, wonderful Adjective
ameliorated To mend or make well. The medicine ameliorated her symptoms. bettered, augmented, mended worsened, unwell, aggravate Verb
malevolent Bad-natured or wishing harm on others. The villain's malevolent grin sent shivers down my spine. malicious, malignant, sinister moral, correct, virtuous Adjective
veneration Awe inspired by something or reverence. People feel a sense of veneration for the ancient ruins that still remain. admiration, esteem, respect disrespect Noun
implacable Unable to appease. His implacable nature made it difficult to reason with him. stubborn, intolerant, inflexible compassionate, flexible, yielding Adjective
dearth Not enough supply or scarce. The dearth of resources has caused a strain on our economy. deficiency, inadequacy, shortage abundance, plenty, sufficiency Noun
routed A disorderly retreat after being defeated. The enemy was routed in the battle. conquered, crushed, humbled win, triumph, victory Verb
debase To lower one's status. He debased himself by lying about his accomplishments. disgrace, dishonor, humiliate dignify, enhance, honor Verb

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