8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 2

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
bequest A will or legacy. The bequest left by the wealthy woman helped fund many charitable causes. endowment, inheritance, bestowal Noun
temerity Being reckless or bold. She had the temerity to stand up to her boss in front of the whole office. audacity, nerve, pluck fear, shyness, politeness Noun
unkempt Not maintained or cared for well. The garden was unkempt and in need of maintenance. messy, neglected, shaggy clean, neat, tidy Adjective
unforeseen Not known ahead of time. The unforeseen delay caused problems for the project. surprising, sudden, unexpected predictable, known, expected Adjective
indefatigable Not getting tired. He was indefatigable and worked tirelessly. active, energetic, lively lazy, lethargic, tired Adjective
obscene Offensive in some manner. The painting was considered obscene and was removed from the exhibit. crude, disgusting, improper decent, proper, moral Adjective
garrulous Talking a lot. He was garrulous and never stopped talking. gabby, verbose, chattering quiet, reserved, mum Adjective
impinge To encroach on or impact. The new regulations impinge on our ability to make decisions. infringe, intrude, disturb avoid, dodge, bypass Verb
jaggedness Notches or irregular points. The jaggedness of the mountain range made it difficult to climb. crookedness, roughness, unevenness evenness, regularity, sameness Noun
magnitude Of great size. The magnitude of the earthquake was so huge it was felt hundreds of miles away. grandeur, consequence, significance insignificance, unimportance, triviality Noun
sauntered To walk around slowly or amble. They sauntered down the street, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. stroll, meander, mosey rush, hurry, run Verb
tenuous Weak or shaky. The evidence against the defendant was tenuous at best. questionable, flimsy, sketchy definite, certain, substantial Adjective
disapprobation Strongly disapproving. The teacher's disapprobation was clear when she scolded the students. criticism, condemnation, recrimination praise, compliment, acclaim Noun
iniquitous characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin The iniquitous law was repealed by the court. unjust, atrocious, unrighteous moral, proper, virtuous Adjective
vicissitudes An unwelcome change of events. Although she faced many vicissitudes, the woman eventually became successful. transformation, change, transition stagnation, stasis Noun

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