8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 20

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
wistful Having or showing a feeling of vague, melancholy yearning or desire. The students were wistful as they said goodbye to their teacher. nostalgic, dreamy, sentimental Adjective
lexicology A study of linguistics concerned with the form, meaning, and use of words. The linguist was finding difficulty studying the lexicology of the ancient language. Noun
dissembled To hide or disguise a feeling or intention. She dissembled her surprise and pretended she didn't know what they said. concealed, bluffed, pretended revealed, expressed, disclosed Verb
chicanery The use of clever deception to achieve an end. He used chicanery to trick his opponents into making mistakes during the game. treachery, deceit, subterfuge sincerity, ingenuousness, forthrightness Noun
reverent Feeling or showing an exceptional amount of respect. The people were reverent during the religious ceremony. respectful, worshipful, devout profane, sacrilegious, blasphemous Adjective
xenodochial Friendly to strangers. He was xenodochial and loved to meet new people. amicable, neighborly, cordial xenophobic, hostile, unfriendly Adjective
knavery A dishonest or mischievous act. He was accused of knavery and deceit in his business dealings. deceit, deception, cheat Noun
pithy Marked by using few words to make a clear or concise point. His lecture was succinct and pithy. succinct, aphoristic, terse wordy, convoluted, redundant Adjective
calumny The act of making false statements about someone to damage their reputation. He was accused of calumny when he spread false rumors about his rival. defamation, libel, slander Noun
unanimously Having complete agreement without any opposition. The representatives voted unanimously for the next Speaker of the House. collectively, mutually, unitedly unilaterally, independently, individually Adverb
recalcitrant Defiant or uncooperative towards authority. The recalcitrant child refused to do his homework. rebellious, stubborn, intractable obedient, cooperative, compliant Adjective
malignant Bad and tending to infiltrate and be infectious. The tumor was malignant and needed to be removed. virulent, malicious, vicious benign, good Adjective
podium A level, raised surface or table. The speaker stood behind the podium, ready to begin. pulpit, stand, rostrum Noun
yew A type of evergreen tree or shrub with stiff linear green leaves and seeds encapsulated by red aril. They set out to pick the red seeds from the yew tree. Noun
nondurable Unable to withstand lengthy usage or harm. We had to carry the nondurable packages carefully. fragile, delicate, frail durable, sturdy, unbreakable Adjective

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