8th Grade Vocabulary Words - List 5

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Word Definition Practice Sentence Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech Description
effrontery Insolent or shamelessly bold behavior. It was seen as an act of effrontery to challenge the authority of the queen. audacity, gall, nerve Noun
mellifluous Pleasant or soothing to the ear. I love the mellifluous sounds of birds singing in the morning. melodious, musical, euphonious dissonant, inharmonious, jarring Adjective
infinitesimal Extremely small in size. The chance of winning was infinitesimal and almost impossible. minuscule, tiny, small enormous, immense, massive Adjective
fulsome Generous in amount or spirit. His teacher's fulsome praise made him feel proud of his work. copious, ample, profuse meager, sparse, scanty Adjective
inured To grow accustomed to something undesireable. He became inured to the cold and no longer felt the chill. hardened, toughened, hard-bitten weakened, worn, exhausted Verb
nick A small notch or chip. They put a protective coating on the table to protect it from a nick or scratch. cut, slit, indent Noun
obstacle Something that hinders progress or movement. The obstacle was removed from the road so people could drive safely. obstruction, hurdle, barrier Noun
resolve To settle or come to a judgment after consideration. She was determined to resolve the problem. decide, determine, figure Verb
consternation Feelings of dismay and sudden disappointment usually at something unexpected. The news of the team's loss caused consternation among the fans. distress, anguish, sadness relief, contentment, tranquility Noun
equanimity Mental composure of evenness in temper. She maintained her equanimity even in the face of adversity. calmness, collectedness, imperturbability uneasiness, agitation, anxiety Noun
perspicacious Having the ability to notice, understand, and discern things that are not obvious in nature. He was a perspicacious judge, able to see through the lies. perceptive, astute, keen feebleminded, unthinking, ignorant Adjective
jostled To force one's way roughly. The crowd jostled to get a better view of the parade. pushed, shoved, elbowed Verb
xyloid Resembling or having the quality of wood. The electric fireplace had a xyloid frame. arboraceous, ligneous, sylvan Adjective
irrevocable Not possible to be changed. The decision was irrevocable and couldn't be changed. irreversible Adjective
uplifting Inspiring optimism or happiness. The coach's uplifting speech gave the team a renewed sense of hope. encouraging, inspiring, moving discouraging, demoralizing, disheartening Adjective

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